more about jack

Im Jack, an ex professional boxer and now a coach, speaker and social entrepreneur. At 25 years old, I left my well paid job as an electrician to chase my dreams of working in the fitness industry. I built a successful personal training business whilst volunteering at an amateur boxing club for two years. I then found myself surpassing my initial dreams, and opened up my own gym!

I formed Training Cave in 2017. Two years later, we became a not for profit after realising how many children couldn’t access sport and exercise due to social barriers. Over the next 6 years, Training Cave has gone from a one man band to a team of full time staff, part time staff, volunteers and a board of directors.

The organisation now changes many lives through boxing, fitness and education.

Exercise and sport have made me the person that I am today. They have taught me discipline, respect and that nothing in life comes without hard work.

I never set out to become a social entrepreneur, I didn’t know what one was until a couple of years ago! But I fumbled into being one, because I was willing to do anything I could to help young people fulfil their dreams. In spite of their background.

I now want to use my knowledge and experiences to help and inspire other people to have a positive impact on the world.